Sova3D Point Cloud Publisher is a Windows PC compatible software. It can effortlessly convert all LAZ and LAS point clouds to be used together with Terrasolid software and Sova3D services.

1. Create an account and log in (Trial/Business/Enterprise) to the S3D-Maps.
2. Load the PointCloudPublisher application on your PC and install it.
(In case you have a firewall, you might need to add it on the list of accepted applications, since it will connect to the Sova3D project server).
3. Open PointCloudPubliser application on your own PC and select the PointCloud you want to publish (LAS/LAZ-format).
4. Adjust the settings for the pointclouds and optimize the publishable pointcloud
5. After optimazation copy-paste a ”token” from the S3dmaps-project site
6. Up-load optimized pointcloud binaries on the S3D-maps-service under the wanted organization (or your private account).
– Application will evaluate the binary data size and asses the max size available for the account.
– Trial version (Projects are public and size of the project is limited)
– Business: (For organizations 5-10-50-100 users. Projects can be made private. Project sizes are un-limited, disk-space & server activity charged directly by use(*)
– Enterprise: (Company based tailored branding. For unlimited number of users. For large scale clients who work with massive number of points. Project sizes are un-limited, disk-space & server activity charged directly by use(*).
7. After up-loading the data, set who can see the data:
– In Trial version only Public-possible (everybody can see)
– In Business and Enterprise-versions you are able to invite viewers to see and in Enterprise version editors to further work on the project.
8. You can send the link from project to see it
– All other available project tools (not only pointclouds) are available for your use (like importing BIM data, set views-animations- photos, 360-photos and many other features.
*) Disk space & Internet use is charged directly by use. Prices are based on Google cloud/ Amazon web-services / Microsoft Azure – disk space & Internet use prices. Used service might vary by time / by country.